Simplify Article

Show how an article is rendered by Markdown

vuquangtrong Oct 10, 2019 6 mins

Following content is for testing Markdown-to-HTML generator with various Markdown settings including standard syntax and extended Markdown Extensions. To setup Markdown settings in Pelican, please check this article: Setup blog with Pelican.

You should know about HTML, CSS and probably Markdown

Markdown Settings

Here are the list of Markdown extensions will be used to generate this article.

    'extensions': [
        # official extensions
        'markdown.extensions.extra', # include extensions: abbr, attr_list, def_list, fenced_code, footnotes, tables
        'markdown.extensions.codehilite', # to generate code color scheme using pygments
        'markdown.extensions.meta', # to parse key:value pairs at the begining of file
        'markdown.extensions.sane_lists',# for better list 
        'markdown.extensions.toc', # add Table of Content
        'markdown.extensions.nl2br', # easily to add new line, but make attr_list and legacy_attrs hard to control
        #'markdown.extensions.admonition', # to make  alert box
        #'markdown.extensions.legacy_attrs', # insert attribs into element, but markdown already has a built-in function that do the same thing
        #'markdown.extensions.legacy_em', # to use legacy emphasis
        #'markdown.extensions.smarty', # converts ASCII dashes, quotes and ellipses to their HTML entity equivalents

        # 3rd party extensions
        #'markdown_captions', # convert <img> to <figure> and <figcaption>
        #'markdown_checklist.extension', # show checkbox in list
    'extension_configs': {
        'markdown.extensions.codehilite': {'css_class': 'highlight'},
    'output_format': 'html5',


Emphasis a word or a phrase: *italic* or **bold** or ***bold and italic*** or `in-line code`.
Show input keys: <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>Alt</kbd> <kbd>Del</kbd>.

Emphasis a word or a phrase: italic or bold or bold and italic or in-line code.
Show input keys: Ctrl Alt Del.

As mentioned in how to comments in markdown you can (ab)use the link labels syntax to write your comments.
Those lines will not be processed, so they are not included in rendered page nor page’s source code.

[//]: # (This may be the most platform independent comment)

Markdown in HTML tags

By default, text in HTML tags is not rendered. To support Markdown syntax in HTML tags, add markdown="1" into the tag.

<div markdown="0">
This text is not **rendered**.
<div markdown="1">
This text is **rendered** well.
This text is not **rendered**.

This text is rendered well.

Attribute Lists

Official extension

Element can have some attributes by using markdown.extensions.attr_list extension.
This provides syntax: {: #someid .someclass somekey='some value' } to add attributes to a block or a span element.
To use with a block element, the attribute list should be defined on the last line of the block.
To use with a span element, the attribute list should be placd right after the generated span without space.

A paragraph with dark background and light text, using `attr_list` extension. *Attribute list can be applied to a span element*{: .text-warning} if the attribute list is added right after the span without any space.{: .bg-dark .text-light .p-1}

A paragraph with dark background and light text, using attr_list extension. Attribute list can be applied to a span element if the attribute list is added right after the span without any space.{: .bg-dark .text-light .p-1}

Build-in parser

Some Markdown version already has a built-in parser to process attribute lists. For example in Markdown 3.1.1, below code generate the same HTML block.

Use built-in parser
![icon]({static}icon.png "icon"){id="icon" class="icon mx-auto" style="display:block"}

Use attr_list extension
![icon]({static}icon.png "icon"){: #icon .icon .mx-auto style=display:block}


This is a sample sentence in green.
{class="text-success text-center"}

This is a sample sentence in green.

Deprecated extenstion

Another extension that also adds attribute into block or element is markdown.extensions.legacy_attrs. This extension has been deprecated in favor of Attribute Lists.
Attributes are defined by including the syntax {@key=value} within the element.

{@class=bg-dark text-warning p-1}A paragraph with dark background and yellow text, using `legacy_attrs` extension.  
_This text won't be formatter_, but __this text will be formatted__ by the latter directive at the end of this block{@class=text-success}

if nl2br extenstion is disabled, it will be more readable as below

{@class=bg-dark text-warning p-1}
A paragraph with dark background and yellow text, using `legacy_attrs` extension.  
_This text won't be formatter_, but __this text will be formatted__ by the latter directive at the end of this block{@class=text-success}


Using default directive > with legacy_attrs or attr_list to get better result.

> I do love you so much!
> _Henry_

I do love you so much!

> I do love you so much!
> _Henry_{class=blockquote-footer}


> I do love you so much!
> _Henry_{: .blockquote-footer}

I do love you so much!

I do love you so much!


Using <img> tag is enough to show image. Some people use markdown_captions extension to convert <img> to <figure> and <figcaption> which are new in HTML5.

Adding <figure> and <figcaption> manually can be done by using Markdown in HTML tags, but it doesn’t look good in markdown file.

<figure markdown="1">
![my code doesn't work]({static}my-code-doesn_t-work.jpg "my code doesn't work")<figcaption class="img-caption">_my code doesn't work &copy; [](</figcaption>

There is another way to add caption and credit to image:

![my code doesn't work]({static}my-code-doesn_t-work.jpg "my code doesn't work")_my code doesn't work &copy; []({: .img-caption}
.img-caption {
    display: block;
    color: #6c757d!important;
    text-align: center!important;
    font-size: 80%;
    font-weight: 400;

my code doesn't workmy code doesn’t work ©

Standard Codeblock

Using Standard Codeblock with correct indent, code can be shown as below type of paragraph

Show line number
use Shebang #! instead of ::: to render line number.

#!python hl_lines="1 3"
# This line is emphasized
# This line isn't
# This line is emphasized too

will be:

# This line is emphasized
# This line isn't
# This line is emphasized too

In paragraph

:::python hl_lines="1 3"
# This line is emphasized
# This line isn't
# This line is emphasized too

will be:

# This line is emphasized
# This line isn't
# This line is emphasized too

In nested list item

- First item

    :::python hl_lines="1 3"
    # This line is emphasized
    # This line isn't
    # This line is emphasized too

- Second item
- Third item

will be:

  • First item

    # This line is emphasized
    # This line isn't
    # This line is emphasized too
  • Second item

  • Third item

In blockquote

> This snippet of code
    from __future__ import me

will be:

This snippet of code

from __future__ import me

Fenced Codeblock

Using Fenced Codeblock allow the color highlight scheme to show in Markdown editor,
but this won’t support to show codeblock in list item or blockquote, and won’t show line number.

````python hl_lines="2"
# You can highlight a line by adding hl_lines="2"
# so this line will be highlighted

will be:

# You can highlight a line by adding hl_lines="2"
# so this line will be highlighted

This is how codeblok looks line in SublimeText 3 using MarkdownExtended and MonokaiExtended packages
Standard Codeblock
Fenced Codenlock

To add line number, a small jQuery code will be used to generate texts and few CCS styles will be used to format them

(function() {
    var pre = document.getElementsByTagName('pre'),
        pl = pre.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < pl; i++) {
        pre[i].innerHTML = '<span class="line-number"></span>' + pre[i].innerHTML + '<span class="cl"></span>';
        var num = pre[i].innerHTML.split(/\n/).length;
        for (var j = 0; j < (num - 1); j++) {
            var line_num = pre[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
            line_num.innerHTML += '<span>' + (j + 1) + '</span>';
pre .line-number {
    display: block;
    float: left;
    margin: 0 1em 0 -1em;
    border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
    text-align: right;

pre .line-number span {
    display: block;
    padding: 0 .5em 0 1em;
    color: #ccc;

pre .cl {
    display: block;
    clear: both;


Table with alignment and format text inside.

There’s still no effective method to add class into <table> tag in Markdown.
We can use jQuery addClass() function to do this trick:

$("table").addClass("table table-hover table-sm table-bordered");

Define a table

| Level                      | Description                         | Default                       |
| :---                       | :---                                |                          ---: |
| Debug                      | All information                     | _Off_{: .badge .badge-danger} |
| Info {: .text-info}        | Useful infomation                   | _Off_{: .badge .badge-danger} |
| Warning {: .text-warning}  | **Error, but system still runs**    | _On_{: .badge .badge-success} |
| Error {: .text-danger}     | ***Critical error, system halted*** | _On_{: .badge .badge-success} |

will get it rendered as:

Level Description Default
Debug All information Off
Info Useful infomation Off
Warning Error, but system still runs On
Error Critical error, system halted On


If you use admonition extension, the below text will change to a box with title and text

!!! note “How to use Admonition”
Add markdown.extensions.admonition into your Markdown extension settings
Add CCS file for Admonition styles.

Sane List

Lists will not mixed thanks to markdown.extensions.sane_lists extension.
Use legacy_attrs or attr_list to format list items.

1. First item
{: .text-primary}
2. Second item

- a new list
{: .text-primary}
- not mixed
  1. First item
  2. Second item
  • a new list
  • not mixed


A definition list can be render using markdown.extensions.def_list extension.

:   Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.

:   The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.
Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.
The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.


Footnotes1 have a label2 and the footnote’s content.


Add markdown.extensions.nl2br into your Markdown extension settings.
This causes newlines to be treated as hard breaks, like StackOverflow and GitHub flavored Markdown do.
If this extension is not used, these 3 lines will become one line in HTML.


To show a list with checkbox, install markdown_checklist extension and enable it in Markdown extensions list.
The list item indicators still show, so add some CSS style to hide them.

ul.checklist {
    list-style-type: none;
    padding-left: inherit;

Finally, a task list looks like below:

- [ ] foo
- [x] bar
- [ ] baz
  •  foo
  •  bar
  •  baz

  1. This is a footnote content. 

  2. A footnote on the label xyz

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