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Lidar Mapping (PoC) »

System Design

Last update: 2022-06-29

Based on the study of a reference project from Livox.


Check the list of Components.

Block diagram#

Base’s components

Rover’s components


  • All modules, except Livox’s, are 3.3V level, so they can be connected directly. This helps to omit USB TTL-to-COM.

  • Raspberry Pi 3 B+ has a built-in WiFi module.

Power supply#

Base’s power supply

Rover’s power supply


Base wiring

Rover wiring

UART RX/TX problem

Here is some reports showing that Jetson boards have problems on UART RX/TX pin when connecting that port directly to an other board. It maily causes by the capitive loading on the pin, if the loop-back test does not have any problem.

If that problem happens, please add a 10 K pull-down resister on RX/TX pin.

Refer to Unreliable serial communcation via the UART TX/RX GPIO Pins.


The mapping node gets the pointcloud from the Lidar ROS driver node, the GNSS and IMU data from the APX-15 node and processes them together:

  • Store pointcloud with timestamp
  • Store GNSS with timestamp
  • Store IMU with timestamp
  • Align packets using timestamp
  • Apply IMU to GNSS point, and stick geographical information to pointcloud

Combine position and pose into pointcloud