Monitor the Resource Usage of a Process
This post presents a custom script to execute a process and monitor the CPU and Memory usage of that process using linux utilities such as top
, grep
, and awk
. The result is exported to a text file, and optionally an image if gnuplot
is installed.
Last update: 2022-06-04
Table of Content
The final script
Download then save to ~/
Add below line to ~/.bashrc
monitor "title" program parameters
This post is written as a walk through guide, step by step, to help to understand how the script was made.
Export a function in bash#
In a bash file, a function with a name and its body can be defined and then exported with export -f
myfunc() {
echo "parameters: $@"
export -f myfunc
To make function available outside the script, run source
command before calling the function:
myfunc abc
All parameters are implicit saved into local macros.
Refer to Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide:
Macro | Description |
Process ID of the current instance of Bash. This is not the same as the $$ variable, but it often gives the same result. |
Process ID of the parent process |
$$ |
Process ID of the script itself |
$! |
Process ID of last job run in background |
$PWD |
The current directory that process is in at the time |
The number of seconds the script has been running |
$1 , $2 , $n |
The first, the second and the n-th parameter |
$# |
The number of command-line arguments |
$* |
All the positional parameters, seen as a single word, must be quoted |
$@ |
Same as $* , but each parameter is a quoted string, that is, the parameters are passed on intact, without interpretation or expansion. This means, among other things, that each parameter in the argument list is seen as a separate word |
$? |
Exit status of a command, function, or the script itself |
Refer to Bash Manual — Command Grouping.
Bash provides two ways to group a list of commands to be executed as a unit. When commands are grouped, re-directions may be applied to the entire command list.
( list )
- Placing a list of commands between parentheses causes a sub-shell environment to be created (see Command Execution Environment), and each of the commands in list to be executed in that sub-shell. Since the list is executed in a sub-shell, variable assignments do not remain in effect after the sub-shell completes.
{ list; }
Placing a list of commands between curly braces causes the list to be executed in the current shell context. No sub-shell is created. The semicolon (or newline) following list is required.
In addition to the creation of a sub-shell, there is a subtle difference between these two constructs due to historical reasons:
- The braces are reserved words, so they must be separated from the list by blanks or other shell meta-characters
- The parentheses are operators, and are recognized as separate tokens by the shell even if they are not separated from the list by whitespace
Run a process#
The basic idea is to run a process in background and while it’s running, report its resource usage:
monitor() (
# run process in background
echo "Executing $*"
$* &
# get PID of last job in background
echo "Executed in PID: $pid"
ps --no-headers -p $pid
echo 'CPU MEM'
# check if a process is running
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]
# use ps to get cpu and memory usage
ps --no-headers -o '%cpu,%mem' -p $pid
sleep 1
export -f monitor
or top
Both ps
and top
report CPU Usage, but the returned values are different.
Let’s check the manual of each command:
CPU usage is currently expressed as the percentage of time spent running during the entire lifetime of a process. This is not ideal, and it does not conform to the standards that
otherwise conforms to. CPU usage is unlikely to add up to exactly 100%.It means
does not show the instant CPU usage, it shows an average CPU usage over the lifetime of the process. top
%CPU – CPU Usage, The task’s share of the elapsed CPU time since the last screen update, expressed as a percentage of total CPU time.
It means if interval is 1 second,
will report CPU usage for the last 1 second. That can be considered as instant report.Let’s check
‘s options-b
: Batch-mode operation- Starts top in Batch mode, which could be useful for sending output from top to other programs or to a file. In this mode, top will not accept input and runs until the iterations limit set with the `-n’ command-line option or until killed.
: Delay-time interval as:-d ss.t
(secs.tenths)- Specifies the delay between screen updates, and overrides the corresponding value in one’s personal configuration file or the startup default. Later this can be changed with the
interactive commands. -p
: Monitor-PIDs mode as:-pN1 -pN2 ...
or-pN1,N2,N3 ...
- Monitor only processes with specified process IDs.
Switch to use top
get the process information:
monitor() (
# run process in background
$* &
# get PID of last job in background
# use top to monitor the process
top -b -d 1 -p $pid &
# save top PID to control it
echo 'CPU MEM'
# check if a process is running
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]
sleep 1
# kill top
sleep 1
kill -9 $toppid
export -f monitor
Run a test:
monitor ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i /dev/video0 -c:v h264_omx -t 10 test.mp4
and the result:
2286 pi 20 0 336612 129848 121960 R 34.5 52.5 0:03.36 ffmpeg
and awk
Refer to grep manual
Use grep
to extract process information lines using pid number as the keyword:
top -b -d 1 -p $pid | grep $pid &
Refer to awk manual
Use awk
to cut out 2 columns: %CPU and %MEM (at the 9th and 10th column) from the filtered lines:
top -b -d 1 -p $pid | grep $pid | awk '{print $9, $10}' &
So, this is a modified version:
monitor() (
# run process in background
$* &
# get PID of last job in background
# use top to monitor the process
# use grep to catch useful lines
# use awk to extract data columns
top -b -d 1 -p $pid | grep $pid | awk '{print $9, $10}' &
# save top PID to control it
echo 'CPU MEM'
# check if a process is running
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]
sleep 1
# kill top
sleep 1
kill -9 $toppid
export -f monitor
Run a test command:
monitor ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i /dev/video0 -c:v h264_omx -t 10 test.mp4
and the result:
Bug: No output value
Surprisingly, there is no output for CPU and MEM usage reported in the output.
Search on google, there is a glue of missing data when using grep
in a pipeline.
Line buffered mode#
When using pipeline of commands, there is pipeline buffer between them.
The output from grep
is no longer line buffered, but block buffered, usually the block is 4 KB, leading to the problem that the next awk
command cannot see new data immediately on its input.
Notes from manuals:
in grep manual- Use line buffering on output. This can cause a performance penalty.
-W interactive
in awk manual- Set non-buffered writes to stdout and line buffered reads from stdin. Records from stdin are lines regardless of the value of RS.
Combining them together and testing again:
monitor() (
# run process in background
$* &
# get PID of last job in background
# use top to monitor the process
# use grep to catch useful lines, use line buffered mode
# use awk to extract data column, read input in line buffered mode
top -b -d 1 -p $pid | grep --line-buffered $pid | awk -W interactive '{print $9, $10}' &
# save top PID to control it
echo 'CPU MEM'
# check if a process is running
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]
sleep 1
# kill top
sleep 1
kill -9 $toppid
export -f monitor
Run a test:
monitor ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i /dev/video0 -c:v h264_omx -t 10 test.mp4
and the result comes with expected values:
20.0 0.8
21.0 3.5
67.3 5.1
89.1 6.0
77.2 9.4
Save log with tee
Use tee
to read from the standard input and write to the standard output and a file.
That is simple enough to clone the output to a log file:
$* | tee log.txt &
top -b -d 1 -p $pid | grep --line-buffered $pid | awk -W interactive '{print $9, $10}' | tee usage.txt &
Then modify the script:
monitor() (
# run process in background
$* | tee log.txt &
# get PID of last job in background
# use top to monitor the process
# use grep to catch useful lines, use line buffered mode
# use awk to extract data columns, read input in line buffered mode
top -b -d 1 -p $pid | grep --line-buffered $pid | awk -W interactive '{print $9, $10}' | tee usage.txt &
# save top PID to control it
echo 'CPU MEM'
# check if a process is running
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]
sleep 1
# kill top
sleep 1
kill -9 $toppid
export -f monitor
Run a test:
monitor ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i /dev/video0 -c:v h264_omx -t 10 test.mp4
Bug: Empty log and invalid output
After using tee
, there are twp issues happened:
- an empty log.txt file
- the usage.txt content is invalid
Fix empty log#
When making pipeline to tee
, only the STDOUT (1) is forwarded, while ffmpeg
prints output on the STDERR (2) not on the STDOUT (1).
Fix it by redirect ffmpeg
$* 2>&1 | tee log.txt &
Fix wrong data#
Add some debug lines ps -p $pid
to check the process ID after creating the processes:
monitor() (
# run process in background
$* | tee log.txt &
# get PID of last job in background
ps -p $pid
# use top to monitor the process
# use grep to catch useful lines, use line buffered mode
# use awk to extract data columns, read input in line buffered mode
top -b -d 1 -p $pid | grep --line-buffered $pid | awk -W interactive '{print $9, $10}' | tee > usage.txt &
# save top PID to control it
ps -p $toppid
echo 'CPU MEM'
# check if a process is running
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]
sleep 1
# kill top
sleep 1
kill -9 $toppid
export -f monitor
Then, it prints out the PID of tee
, not the PID of ffmpeg
or top
647 pts/0 00:00:00 tee
652 pts/0 00:00:00 tee
Get PID of a process in pipeline
In bash, pipeline cause commands to run in a sub-shell!
For example, $* | tee > log.txt &
will run $*
in a sub-shell, and tee > log.txt
will run in current shell, therefore tee’s PID will be saved in the macro $!
The solution is to save the PID in the newly created sub-shell in which $!
returns correct PID, then load that PID later:
# save to pid.txt
($* 2>&1 & echo $! > pid.txt) | tee > log.txt &
# load from pid.txt
Then modify the script:
monitor() (
# run process in background
($* 2>&1 & echo $! > pid.txt) | tee log.txt &
# get PID of last job in background
ps -p $pid
# use top to monitor the process
# use grep to catch useful lines, use line buffered mode
# use awk to extract data columns, read input in line buffered mode
(top -b -d 1 -p $pid & echo $! > pid.txt) | grep --line-buffered $pid | awk -W interactive '{print $9, $10}' | tee usage.txt &
# save top PID to control it
ps -p $toppid
echo 'CPU MEM'
# check if a process is running
while [ -e /proc/$pid ]
sleep 1
# kill top
sleep 1
kill -9 $toppid
# clean up
rm pid.txt
export -f monitor
Run a test:
monitor ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i /dev/video0 -c:v h264_omx -t 10 test.mp4
and got correct PIDs for ffmpeg
and top
2352 pts/0 00:00:00 ffmpeg
2360 pts/0 00:00:00 top
Graph with gnuplot
Gnuplot is a portable command-line graph utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms. It can produce many types of output, including terminal and file.
Terminal output
gnuplot -e " \
set term dumb; \
plot \
'usage.txt' using 1 title '%CPU' with lines, \
'' using 2 title 'MEM' with lines \
PNG Image output
gnuplot -e " \
set term png size 640, 480; \
set output 'usage.png'; \
set grid xtics lc rgb '#bbbbbb' lw 1 lt 1; \
set grid ytics lc rgb '#bbbbbb' lw 1 lt 1; \
plot \
'usage.txt' using 1 title '%CPU' with lines, \
'' using 2 title 'MEM' with lines \
Run a test:
monitor "test" "ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -i /dev/video0 -c:v h264_omx -t 10 test.mp4"
It prints out a good graph in the terminal as well as in a PNG image:
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| *** + + + + + |
90 |-+ * %CPU ****** -|
| ** MEM ###### |
80 |-+ +-|
| * |
70 |-+ * +-|
| * |
60 |-+ * +-|
| * |
50 |-+ * +-|
| * |
40 |-+ * +-|
| * |
30 |-+ #########################################################|
| # * |
20 |-+ ## * +-|
| # ****** ************************* |
10 |-+ # ********* ******|
|###### + + + + + |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Some enhancements#
Some small modifications to make script run in multiple sessions:
1. Set title for a new session
Let’s modify the script to accept parameters in this format:
monitor "title" command
by extracting those parameters at the beginning of the script:
monitor() (
# extract parameters
command=${@:2} # get parameters from the 2nd one
The title will be used to name the session, to create a folder to save log files.
2. Save output to a separated folder
# create result folder if not existed
[ ! -d $title ] && mkdir $title
3. Change output format to CPU= X MEM= Y
It needs to change the data column index in gnuplot
# *-usage.txt content:
# X is at 2nd column,
# Y is at 4th column
gnuplot -e " \
set term dumb; \
plot \
'${title}/${title}-usage.txt' using 2 title '%CPU' with lines, \
'' using 4 title 'MEM' with lines \
The final script#
Download then save to ~/
Add below line to ~/.bashrc
monitor "title" program parameters